Russian Platforms: Getting Closer
/ Russian Platforms: Getting Closer

Russian Platforms: Getting Closer

Russian Platforms: Getting Closer

RELEX Group and OT-OIL, Ltd. have successfully completed the testing of the application package for the oil and gas industry “ATOLL” based on DBMS Linter.

Originally, the ATOLL system was based on ORACLE DBMS. The testing of certain functionality of ATOLL on Linter was intended to provide IT instruments for the most numerous category of users – geologists, technologist and service companies.

The tests conducted have allowed the companies to create a fully Russian IT solution for upstream companies of the fuel and energy complex: functional (the ATOLL platform) plus technological and system (DBMS Linter).

«Despite the fact that the modern software programs in the fuel and energy complex solve tasks belonging to one class, the technological environment in companies is heterogeneous –says Ivan Mugalyov, General Manager of OT-OIL, Ltd. – Our aim is to offer an IT solution on the market which would occupy a certain niche in a particular price range and enhance the applicability of the technological platforms used by the customer».

RELEX and OT-OIL plan to continue the joint research aimed at the creation of the first Russian oil-and-gas application package based on native solutions.

«DBMS Linter has been used in the oil-and-gas industry for almost 10 years. The most prominent implementation in this area is at Surgutneftegaz whose specialists use DBMS Linter as the main database server for the automated management systems at its major technological objects, – comments Vitaly Maximov, Deputy General Manager of RELEX Group, – We are confident that cooperation with OT-OIL, one of the leading oil-and-gas software vendors, will considerably expand the possible applications of Linter on the oil and gas production companies market».

This event is timed to the international theoretical and practical conference “GEOLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF BOREHOLE MAKING IN OIL AND GAS FIELD LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT” (Section “The Role of Oil-and-Gas Service in the Russian Federation Energetic Security Doctrine Implementation”) and to the ever-increasing demands of the Russian state fuel and energy companies to increasing the percentage of Russian developments among the IT solutions used.

Linter is a high-performance SQL server providing efficient, reliable and secure data management in software systems with strict fault-tolerance requirements, real-time systems, Web applications and distributed systems.

ATOLL is a functional application set for automation of deposit exploration, development and exploitation tasks. The applications use a uniform database structure, the ATOLL platform making it possible to create corporate IT tools for solving functional Upstream tasks and creating distributed geological and geophysical information warehouses, geological model warehouses, electronic borehole passports and other project documentation storage systems.


OT-OIL, Ltd. is a Russian company specializing in implementation of IT projects in the oil-and-gas industry in the Russian Federation, former Soviet Union and countries with presence of Russian oil-and-gas companies. Areas of concentration: fuel and energy complex business processes consulting; fuel and energy complex companies inspection (business processes and IT solutions); IT solutions design; creating corporate information systems for vertically integrated companies based on its own product line (ATOLL trademark); IT solutions implementation and support. For more information, please visit

RELEX Group is one of the leading Russian software vendors in the field of data security, storage and processing. RELEX has been in the IT industry since 1990. Our extensive experience in data security, warehousing and processing allows using our potential for solving diverse business automation tasks for commercial companies and government institutions. RELEX offers services in software development, design, manufacturing and technical support, as well as customization of software systems to our clients’ requirements. RELEX is the developer of software products unique on the Russian market: DBMS Linter, Data Marts Builder NEVOD, and other state-of-the-art software.


Roman Siletsky
Marketing Director
119 20-letia Oktyabrya St., Voronezh, 394006, Russia
phone: +7 (4732) 711-711
fax: +7 (4732) 778-333
Open Technologies, Ltd.
Svetlana Grishanova
(495) 787-70-27, ext. 2734
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