RELEX Group has released the official version of Linter for OS MSVS
/ RELEX Group has released the official version of Linter for OS MSVS

RELEX Group has released the official version of Linter for OS MSVS

RELEX Group has released the official version of Linter for OS MSVS

In the last month of 2008, RELEX Group has released the official version of Linter for OS MSVS. The new version of the DBMS considers all the peculiarities and uses all capabilities of OS MSVS, the Mobile System of the Armed Forces.

The new version of Linter is an optimum solution for government organizations dealing with defense, law and order, for companies working with state organs, and firms for which security of commercial information is of critical importance.

Now all business entities have a choice: whether to use database servers of different vendors at traditional platforms (Windows, Linux etc.), or to introduce a certified DBMS on a secure operating system.

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