RELEX Group has won the open contest for carrying out research and development work in popularization and training people in use of the universal e-map.
As a result, the regional organization “Innovation and Development Agency” is making a contract with RELEX to carry out the proposed work. For more information, please visit the official government purchases Web site.
The universal e-map is a convenient and secure instrument opening access to state, municipal and commercial services. For details, please visit the official universal e-map Web site.
According to Vitaly Maximov, Deputy General Manager of RELEX, continued cooperation with the administration of the Voronezh region is one of the strategic priorities of RELEX Group, especially at the time of such dramatic reformation of the government services system: «We are confident that the work of RELEX on automation of government and municipal services to citizens of the Voronezh region will be of great use to everyone in the region».