April 19 through 23, a session of RELEX Programming School-2010 will take place at the Voronezh State University. The leading specialists of RELEX group will share their knowledge and software development experience and tell the students about the cutting-edge technologies and project management methods.
During the week of the 3rd spring session, reports on various topics will be presented: porting software to mobile platforms, driver development, project and requirement management, GIS support in a relational DBMS etc.
RELEX Group thanks the Software and Information System Administration Chair of the Applied Mathematics Department, and the Programming and IT Chair of the Computer Science Department of the VSU for assistance in organizing the training process.
Welcome to RELEX Programming School-2010!
Report Schedule:
Monday, April 19, Room 226
- 16:55 – Porting Software to OS Android
V.A. Plotnikov (RELEX Group, Software Engineer, Master of Science).
The report focuses on the new operating system Android for mobile devices, and to porting existing software to this OS.
Tuesday, April 20, Room 226
- 13:25 – Development of Drivers for MS Windows
O.V. Alekseev (RELEX Group, Software Engineer).
The report is based on the results of several projects involving development of drivers for different versions of MS Windows. It includes both theoretical issues of driver development (OS architecture, interaction with the kernel and with the hardware etc.), and the practical side (installing and debugging a new driver).
- 15:10 – Overview of Machine Learning Methods
K.E. Seleznyov (RELEX Group, Senior Software Engineer, Lecturer of the Applied Mathematics Department of the VSU, Candidate of Science).
This report is a brief review of the existing machine learning methods used for performing a variety of practical tasks. It includes the principles of each method, its applicability, known issues and ways to resolve them.
Wednesday, April 21, Room 226
- 16:55 – Storage and Processing of Graphical Information in Medical Systems
S.V. Golovin (RELEX Group, Principal Specialist, Candidate of Science).
Most medical diagnostic systems are based on storing and processing various graphical information, first of all, X-ray images. For this purpose, specific algorithms of image analysis uncommon for graphic applications are used. The report focuses on development and implementation of such algorithms.
- 18:30 – Project Management: from Theory to Practice
S.P. Markin (RELEX Group, Lead Software Engineer).
In university courses, special attention is paid to software project management issues: different methods are discusses, their characteristics and comparative analysis are given. This lecture illustrates the main difficulties occurring in the project management practice, and possible ways to overcome them.
Thursday, April 22, Room 226
- 15:10 – GIS Support in Relational DBMSs
D.V. Borisenkov (RELEX Group, Principal Specialist, Lecturer of the Applied Mathematics Department of the VSU, Candidate of Science).
The development of geographic information systems (GIS) requires tools for working with cartographic information in a DBMS. The report summarizes the existing standards of presenting spatial objects in a database, and the implementation of these standards in DBMSs.
- 17:00 – Distributed Version Control Systems (Git, Mercury, Bazaar). Professional Source Code Management
V.M. Melnikov (RELEX Group, Principal Specialist, Lecturer of the Applied Mathematics Department of the VSU).
An overview of the existing distributed source code control system and practical methods of working with them. The concept of software configuration management will be presented. The report will be useful for the students for writing yearly works and degree research, as well as for organizing group software development.
Friday, April 23, Room 443
- 13:25 – Requirement Management
S.V. Golovin (RELEX Group, Principal Specialist, Candidate of Science).
The life cycle of any software project includes the requirement formulating stage. However, the requirements may change in the course of the project, therefore not only the development process itself, but also the requirements to the software under development need to be managed.