RELEX Programming School - 2009: Results
/ RELEX Programming School - 2009: Results

RELEX Programming School - 2009: Results

RELEX Programming School - 2009: Results

The 2nd session of RELEX Programming School in the Voronezh State University finished last week. The session took place under the auspices of the Applied Mathematics Department and Computer Science Department of the VSU. To sum up, the executive team of RELEX noticed the growing interest of students to the topics of the reports by the company's lead developers, as well as the diversity of subjects covered in the lectures.

The participants of the Programming school session were lecturers and students of the Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics Departments. The students have got an insight into the unique experience of RELEX in the packaged software distribution, full-text search system development, use of lex and yacc systems to create compilers, application of Agile methods of project management, and implementation of programming templates.

I.E. Voronina, Associate Professor of the Applied Mathematics Department, who attended all the lectures, said: "The many questions asked, the animated discussion, and the interest of the audience demonstrate the importance of such arrangements for the educational process: on the one hand, the students have an opportunity to get a better insight into the up-to-date information technologies and management; on the other hand, they have got an idea of the employer's requirements and projects".

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