Corrections made for proper saving of results of working with BLOB by LHB.
Loss of connection in case of 4 backup servers and 2 disabled servers in QNX eliminated.
BLOB logging in Linter Multiversion corrected.
Corrections of logging subsystem made for correct operation of the kernel in the hot backup mode.
Rollback of reference integrity operations in cursors for versions with 5.9 and 6.0 kernel corrected (the problem with sequence of rolled-back cursor affecting the rollback result).
Problem of rolling back a transaction in the exclusive mode (transaction consisting of a single operation returning an error) corrected.
Problem with row visibility in Linter Multiversion during intensive work with BLOB and reference integrity corrected.
Row cleanup problem in Linter Multiversion (conversion of version rows to non-version rows) eliminated.
Uncalled rollback of changes in a channel doing data cleanup forbidden.
Problem with assigning field value to a newly added record in a trigger (if the field is not on the INSERT list) eliminated.
Excessive table locking for SELECT FOR UPDATE in Linter Multiversion eliminated (now only selected rows are locked).
Optimization of calculation of single-variable predicates when working with an aggregative index corrected.
Event subsystem initialization problem eliminated.
Problem with alternation of SQL queries and BLOB commands in a certain sequence eliminated.
CHECK condition check during quick data loading added.
Error when deleting a table for which a global event is created eliminated.
Problem in case TEST TABLE is the first command after the DBMS kernel start eliminated.
Problems with executing complex queries with analytical functions eliminated.
Correct closing of LINTER.LOG file after cleanup added.
Use of indexes when calculating the NVL function result corrected.
Problem with possible sending of a message to client when executing an event trigger eliminated.
Cyclic table problem in versions with 6.х kernel (in case there are no '(after|before) delete ... for each row' triggers while triggers of other types are present) corrected.
Problem with stored transaction events (when the insert event after reloading the kernel does not work) eliminated.
The MBX parameter value in Windows is now displayed correctly.
Problem when trying to enter a two-byte character into a single-byte field on MSBF platforms corrected.
Parameter type problem when executing a pre-translated EXECUTE PROCEDURE query in 6.x versions eliminated along with parameter encoding problems.
Incorrect behavior of the SQL translator in case of UNION ALL query optimization error corrected.
Processing of ENCODE_STRING function with three arguments corrected.
Problem with bit operations with operands of different types eliminated.
TOCHAR function call from stored procedures implemented for BOOL.
Memory leak of kernel channels when executing complex queries with OR eliminated.